Preparing the diet composition data for plotting
I downloaded American’s diet composition by food groups data from Our World in Data. I selected this data because I’m interested in seeing how the average American’s diet composition has changed from 1961 to 2013.
This is the link to the data.
The following code chunk loads the package I will use to read in and prepare the data for analysis
to see the names and types of the columnsglimpse(dietary_compositions_by_commodity_group)
Rows: 8,154
Columns: 13
$ Entity <chr> …
$ Code <chr> …
$ Year <dbl> …
$ `Other (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Sugar (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Oils & Fats (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Meat (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Dairy & Eggs (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Fruit and Vegetables (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Starchy Roots (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Pulses (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Cereals and Grains (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
$ `Alcoholic Beverages (FAO (2017)) (kilocalories per person per day)` <dbl> …
Create the object food_group
that is a list of food groups I want to extract from the dataset
Change the name of 3rd column to Year and the 5th column to Sugar_Calories
Use filter
to extract the rows that I want to keep: Entity = “United States”, Year >= 1961
Select the columns to keep: Entity, Year, Sugar_Calories
Assign the output to usa_diet
Display the first 10 rows of usa_diet
regions <- c("United States")
usa_diet <- dietary_compositions_by_commodity_group %>%
rename(Year = 3, `Other` = 4, `Sugar`= 5, `Oils & Fats` = 6, `Meats` = 7, `Dairy & Eggs` = 8, `Fruit and Vegetables` = 9, `Starchy Roots` = 10, `Pulses` = 11, `Cereals and Grains` = 12, `Alcoholic Beverages` = 13) %>%
filter( Year >= 1961, Entity %in% regions) %>%
select(Entity, Year, Other, Sugar, `Oils & Fats`, Meats, `Dairy & Eggs`, `Fruit and Vegetables`, `Starchy Roots`, Pulses, `Cereals and Grains`, `Alcoholic Beverages`)
# A tibble: 53 × 12
Entity Year Other Sugar `Oils & Fats` Meats `Dairy & Eggs`
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 United States 1961 21 515 532 355 450
2 United States 1962 21 520 526 359 439
3 United States 1963 23 509 534 368 440
4 United States 1964 22 525 558 377 447
5 United States 1965 24 533 553 367 450
6 United States 1966 24 533 560 380 453
7 United States 1967 25 544 569 393 439
8 United States 1968 25 549 577 402 438
9 United States 1969 23 562 593 386 437
10 United States 1970 24 566 611 388 438
# … with 43 more rows, and 5 more variables:
# `Fruit and Vegetables` <dbl>, `Starchy Roots` <dbl>,
# Pulses <dbl>, `Cereals and Grains` <dbl>,
# `Alcoholic Beverages` <dbl>
Check that the avg total calories for sugar in 2013 equals the total in the graph
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 600
Format the original data set to make it easier to plot. Condense the values of columns 3 : 12 under a single row using the function pivot_longer
from the Tidyr
package and then assign output to usa_diet2
. Display usa_diet2
usa_diet2 <- pivot_longer(usa_diet, cols = 3:12, names_to = "Food Group", values_to = "Calories") %>%
select(Year, "Food Group", Calories )
# A tibble: 530 × 3
Year `Food Group` Calories
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1961 Other 21
2 1961 Sugar 515
3 1961 Oils & Fats 532
4 1961 Meats 355
5 1961 Dairy & Eggs 450
6 1961 Fruit and Vegetables 144
7 1961 Starchy Roots 90
8 1961 Pulses 36
9 1961 Cereals and Grains 628
10 1961 Alcoholic Beverages 109
# … with 520 more rows
Add a picture.
See how to change the width in the R Markdown Cookbook
Write the data to file in the project directory
write_csv(usa_diet2, file="usa_diet2.csv")